0 votes
I know you can lock an attachment point using RLV, but I have several items I would like locked on so they aren't removed. Is it possible to have those RLV locked through the Wardrobe?

1 Answer

+1 vote
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)
In Tools > Locks on the Wardrobe web page you can lock individual folders in the "Folders" tab.

There is currently a proposal in the suggestion box to add a lock action to individual items. Feel free to vote for it. It sounds like that is more like what you're looking for?
When the proposal gets implemented (it already has a good number of votes), I'm thinking of removing the locks tool (in Tools > Locks) in favor of the per-item lock action.
ღмs кєηzღ by ღмs кєηzღ (200 points)
I can not find the suggestion box easily?
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)
It's in the upper right corner of your Wardrobe page, near the Q&A icon.
It's available on Premium Subscription accounts only, though.