+1 vote
ValerieWalker by ValerieWalker (150 points)
will not let me switch to HTTP so I can only look at my wardrobe and not change any outfits

1 Answer

0 votes
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (8.3k points)
There are browser settings or plugins that will force web pages to HTTPS if both HTTP and HTTPS are available. Make sure you don't have anything like that turned on.

E.g., in Chrome, there is the setting
Privacy and security > Security > Advanced > Always use secure connections.
Dakota Chenaux by Dakota Chenaux (190 points)
Does that turn off secure connections for every website we visit though?
Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)

Published by Carlyle in the #CTS-Updates channel of the discord server on 22nd December 2023.

More and more people had problems with HTTP or were scared of the "connection is not private" warning in the browser.

So, as a Christmas gift, HTTPS now works for everyone, without having to jump through hoops (installing the certificate, etc).

If your Wardrobe web page doesn't connect to the HUD after reloading, please reset your HUD (Menu button on the HUD (three green lines) > Setup > Reset HUD).
