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Faeyu by Faeyu (160 points)
edited by Faeyu

y settings to make sure that when I equip hair, they remove the hair that I wear to wear the selected hair. And it works perfectly.

Seeing that it works very well, I wanted to do the same with my shoes and it's a disaster. It takes parts of my body away from me, it doesn't come off when I change shoes, etc...

And it's not working, it's taking parts out of my body
I don't understand the reason, could someone help me ?
Thank you in advance.

2 Answers

0 votes
Faeyu by Faeyu (160 points)

Here are the parameters of my hair and shoes :

0 votes
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)

Using the attachment point system to remove currently worn items when you put on something new can be a little tricky: you will need to make sure that all attachments are attached at the expected attachment points, otherwise you'll get unpredictable results.

The alternative is using the "Clothing Type System" in which the items are removed by clothing type rather than relying on the correct attachment points.

Both options are described in the user manual in more detail, in the "Automatically Removing the Previous Outfit" section.
