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Randie Marie Claxton by Randie Marie Claxton (120 points)

I am condensing some of my wardrobe entries to free up inventory space and some are hitting 35- 50 subfolders (ones with lots of HUDs). when I edit the entry I can click and add all subfolders and they will show but once I either refresh the wardrobe page or close out my browser anything over 26 subfolders will not show and on some will on show part of the subfolder name. 

Examples below --

New edit -https://gyazo.com/49c42d69feb1b46242034c4d6a9859achttps://gyazo.com/44868db28523c53bc14de44160d974b9

After Page Refresh - https://gyazo.com/d228ce07a40bdfbda36a13a690a1fc3dhttps://gyazo.com/5323b0335d0ab80a783bd9c11665bc4e

1 Answer

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Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)
The subfolders field is limited to 400 characters. Anything beyond that will be truncated.

The subfolder field is for a list of subfolders that will always be put on along with the content of the main folder when you click the "Wear" icon. Since there always needs to be a delay between two folders being put on, the question is also, do you really want to specify that many subfolders?

The "Wear with options" icon (the shirt icon with cog) will load all the subfolders from your inventory automatically. Also, on premium Wardrobe accounts, there is the an icon to load the subfolders from the inventory on the item directly.
So that would be options to use instead of entering them manually if the purpose is only to have them available to put on.