0 votes
Jayden Reiko by Jayden Reiko (120 points)
I have a bunch of BOM layered clothing that I would like to wear but whenever I attach it with the wardrobe it gets the order completely wrong and parts of the catsuit I am wearing overlap the others and they don't show.

2 Answers

0 votes
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)

Unfortunately, there is not.

Also have a look at this extensive answer by Mareth or at her blog post covering BoM.

+1 vote
TΞQI by TΞQI (200 points)
Put on the BOM layers you usually wearing in the order you like. When you are done Save it as Outfit. (Right click on avatar, Edit Appearance, Save as..new Outfit.). In same window, Edit Outfit Parts you can move up and down layers to set order. (hover mouse above layer name and an arrow icon apperas to move item up or down in the list.). You can delete all worn clothes and accessories from this saved outfit folder and keep only the BOM layers in it. Anytime you wearing some of these BOM layers SL will know the order by this Saved Outfit. I usually call this outfit "Layers" outfit. If it for clothing layers i would do a saved outfit for each set.
Aida by Aida (100 points)
But this Appearance Layers cant be worn by the wardrobe I guess. so if I need different makeups I always need to load them by hand using Appearance.