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ڰۣ-ღ Ashley ღڰ by ڰۣ-ღ Ashley ღڰ (120 points)
Ive read previous posts ..  updated everything .. the wardrobe hud  the pose stand , refreshed and restarted the up to date browser ( firefox and chrome ) ..The base loads perfectly...   the outfits load but the head is ruthed ..and sometimes the body doesnt show at all . When I choose any other outfit but the base ...it isn't loading the maitreya body .. I've tried everything and about to give up ..  The weird thing is ..with another avatar last night ..I made a base and loaded 27 outfits one after another ..all flawless.  I've even gone back and compared settings side by side and cant see any reason for the error ..   Please someone help ..

1 Answer

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Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)

A problem like this is more likely to have its cause in the setup of the inventory (the folder structure and what is contained in the folders corresponding to the Wardrobe item(s)) than the settings of Wardrobe or even its version.

Here are some general tips for troubleshooting:

  • After putting something on with Wardrobe, check what you're actually wearing (in the "Worn" tab of the inventory in the viewer). Is everything there that you expect to be wearing? Are you wearing too much, e.g., and alpha layer that would hide your body (the system body or when using BoM)?
  • If something is missing, does it attach to the same attachment point as another attachment you're wearing? If you want to wear multiple attachments on the same attachment points, make sure you have "Add to layers/attachments" activated in Preferences > Dressing, or set it correctly on the item (see screenshots)
  • If you're wearing too much, move the layers and attachments you don't want to add by default out of the main folder into a subfolder, and make sure you don't have "Put on all the items contained in the subfolders of the selected folder" in Preferences > Dressing > Quick Dress Defaults ticked.
  • If you have linked multiple items, make sure the items actually come on. Wardrobe will notify you in local chat when an item has been found or not. For a more in-depth diagnosis, you might want to turn on RLV debugging messages in the viewer (RLVa > Debug > Show Debug Messages) to check if there are any errors.
  • Generally I advise not to have every item rebuild your avatar from scratch (i.e., take everything off, add a copy of the body, etc.), but to just switch clothes instead. A good way to automate what is to be removed before the new item is put on is to use the Clothing Type system (have a look at the manual in the section "The Clothing Type System").
ڰۣ-ღ Pippa ღڰۣ by ڰۣ-ღ Pippa ღڰۣ (100 points)
Usually ...I make a Base ( called oddly enough  Base ) .Which has all the essentials , Having checked that loads properly ..  I. then making each new outfit begins with with wearing the "Base" body .. then adding the items related to that for example a blue dress .. the folder for that new outfit ( called Blue Dress)  is put in a sub folder of #RLV ..called  Outfits ...  So the structure is like this    #RLV / Base /Outfits/ Blue dress ...  etc etc ..  Then having taken a photo ..I call the photo Blue dress .. its uploaded to wardrobe as a new item .. after that select everything except "Bottom"  -wear policy  ( default as defined etc ) ....   Put on base outfit  (Base )  and click ok ...   am I missing something cuz thats always worked so far