0 votes
Cara Darling by Cara Darling (120 points)
If someone gives a friend their full admin link without realising what this would do, is there anyway to change this?  I know its possible to set a password which would stop them logging back in - but until they have to log back in they still have full access.  Anyway to change the URL for the admin interface?   I am guessing not, and that even buying a new copy of wardrobe wouldn't help as its tied to your UUID - but just wondering.

1 Answer

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Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.6k points)
You are correct, the personal Wardrobe link is fixed and cannot be changed, and the Wardrobe account is tied to the avatar's UUID, so purchasing a new copy won't change anything.

The only way to protect your Wardrobe page is to set a password immediately (which is a good idea anyway).