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Q by Q (170 points)
edited by Q
I had the issue where the wardrobe HUD would say it was unlocked but it was not, after I updated to 2.8.4. I could also not unbox since every time I tried, the stuff just detached right away.

I spoke to Carlyle and she told me this:

go to preferences > HUD settings, and make sure it is set to unlock there

go to tools > locks > attachments/clothing, and make sure it is set to unlock there

if both are set correctly and you still have issues, change something, save, then change back, and save again.

This was due to the attachment point locks not working in previous versions of Wardrobe, but now they do and alas, I got the stuff locked without realizing what happened. Easy fix though if you know what causes it :)

Here is a gyazo video that shows where to find the above stuff:


1 Answer

0 votes
Q by Q (170 points)
I supplied the answer myself in the question field, but since it says unanswered, I'll just post this reply to myself.. ahahaha