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Anthea Courtois by Anthea Courtois (140 points)
I love the Clothing System, but am stuck trying to figure out how to work with collections of entire sets of clothes (imagine an approximate equivalent to the in-built SL Outfit entry cut down to clothes and body sub-folders).

What I really want is an entry in Clothing that says 'remove any other clothing if this is worn', and while I can fake this up by picking an esoteric clothing entry and configuring it with an outfit tag, it's easy to have this end up confusing. A dedicated slot for complete sets would be quite handy.

As a related comment, it's not clear to me how the Clothing system expects full outfits to be built now in CTS. Are you expecting something like a fake entry, that has nothing directly in it, but then has Put More Outfits configured to add each Dress, Bra, etc.?

1 Answer

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Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.5k points)
The crucial thing to realize is that an item isn't limited to have just one clothing type tag.

So if your full outfit, for simplicity's sake, consists of a tanktop, pants, and boots, give it the tags you have mapped to the clothing types "Tanktop", "Pants", and "Shoes".

When you're putting this outfit on, Wardrobe will look for all the clothing types to remove for the combined set of "tanktop", "pants", and "shoes", which should be everything that needs to be taken off since your outfit just consists of these three types.

Hence, there is shouldn't be any need for a "full outfit" clothing type.

As for the related comment: That's one way to do it if you prefer to add the individual parts as items to Wardrobe, although I wouldn't call it a fake entry, but rather take a photo of yourself wearing the full outfit.

In the future, there might be an outfit builder to piece an outfit together from individual Wardrobe items (there is a suggestion for exactly this in the suggestion box; if you like the suggestion, please feel free to vote for it).
Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)
You could have a read of my tutorial on the clothing system and how I do outfits by using what I call a Wardrobe Alias item and then split out different components into their own Wardrobe items.
