+4 votes
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.5k points)
I keep getting Stack Heap Collision errors in the AutoStrip script.
Is there anything I can do?

2 Answers

+6 votes
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.5k points)
AutoStrip is a Wardrobe feature that, when turned on, removes all items contained in a folder as soon as a single item in that folder is removed. Note that you'll need to activate it per item (edit item > Dressing > AutoStrip).

When you're wearing items from many folders and/or your folders have long names, the AutoStrip script can run out of memory, causing the stack heap collision. If you don't actually need AutoStrip, you can just turn it off to prevent the error from happening in the future. To do so, make sure you're wearing your Wardrobe HUD. Then, on your Wardrobe web page, go to Preferences > Dressing, then click "Turn off AutoStrip." After that, reset the HUD (click the Menu button on the 1o'clock position, the click Setup > Reset HUD).
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.5k points)
As many of you seem to experience the issue (even though the script had been optimized and the data is stored in a compressed format as of v2.8.3), and since the Auto-Strip feature doesn't seem to be used a lot, I decided to remove it from the standard HUD in the next update, and make it available as an optional add-on for those of you who would like to use it.
0 votes
Carlyle Theas by Carlyle Theas (7.5k points)

As of v2.8.4, the AutoStrip script is no longer part of the standard Wardrobe HUD, thus you won't get the script error in the AutoStrip script anymore (and the HUD also uses less memory).

Instead, it is now made available as a plugin you can get for free in the inworld store.

Please note that The AutoStrip script requires that everything you're wearing is recorded and memorized in the script, so you could still get the out-of-memory script errors, depending on the nesting depth, length of folder names you use, and the number folders you're wearing things from, as the memory of LSL scripts is limited to 64 KiB.
This is not something I intend to or even can fix.
Instead, please reduce the nesting depth of your folders, the folder name lengths, and/or the number of folders you're wearing things from.

If you experience the error with the plugin, you can remove the plugin by simply deleting the "AutoStrip Addon" script from your HUD's contents.

Mareth by Mareth (1.7k points)
Since I can't attach an image, I added an example of what Carlyle is talking about on my Faq page on  my tutorial site.

In section 1, scroll down too; Stack-Heap Collisions in AutoStrip