Perfect for shopping alone or with your friends; for sharing your discoveries directly with your shopping buddies or on your blog; for revealing what that gorgeous outfit is on the person near you.

  • Did you discover something you like while you're shopping? Lookmark it! Once you're done looking around in the store and gathering lookmarks (the camera angles you saved), review your lookmarks to compare and decide what you really want to get.
  • Getting a demo? Lookmark the item so you know where it is once you get back to the store to get it after trying the demo.
  • Shopping with friends? Share your lookmarks with them when you think you found something that you think would look gorgeous on them — or if you'd like their opinion on your discovery!
  • The friend you're shopping with doesn't have a Shopalicious HUD? No problem, ask them if you may track their camera and you'll see what they're looking at!
  • Seeing someone wearing an item you just have to get for yourself? Use Shopalicious's Fashion Spy to discover what it is and even get Marketplace links and lookmark URLs to the items!
  • Found something special in a store or at an event and blogging about it? Save a lookmark and share the lookmark URL on your blog! Other Shopalicious users can just click that link to go there and see what you were looking at!

Do you like Shopalicious? We reward you for recommending it to your friends!
Give them your personal recommendation coupon, and you'll receive 20% of its price upon each purchase, and they'll get 10% off!
To get your recommendation coupon, click the HUD's Menu button > Coupon.

Note: this offer is valid only in our main inworld store and only with the coupon code.